дана уайз (1965)

Dana Wyse is a Canadian writer and visual artist.
Wyse’s early career was characterized by photography works exploring Canada and its history and environment. Photography works by Wyse can be seen in the book Vancouver: A History in Photographs. In 1996, Wyse began her best known artwork, a pill-themed installation called Jesus Had A Sister Productions. It is a work-in-progress to which the artist adds new elements each year and that crosses the line between art and business.

Dana Wyse is a Canadian writer and visual artist.
Wyse’s early career was characterized by photography works exploring Canada and its history and environment. Photography works by Wyse can be seen in the book Vancouver: A History in Photographs. In 1996, Wyse began her best known artwork, a pill-themed installation called Jesus Had A Sister Productions. It is a work-in-progress to which the artist adds new elements each year and that crosses the line between art and business.